Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ex-Lilly executives open 'trials' clinic

From Applied Clinical Trials Online:

A new clinic that is on the cusp of conducting human trials in Indianapolis could distinguish itself as a key player in drug development, not only within the state, but nationally as well.Centurion Clinical Research LLC serves pharmaceutical companies and medical-device makers that need to test their products before they can be approved for widespread use. That first phase, in which healthy people are paid to participate in the overnight studies, is critical in determining the safety and success of a treatment.

"Without people volunteering, there won't be cures for these diseases," Centurion CEO William McGinnis said.
McGinnis and company President Michael Smiricky, both former Eli Lilly and Co. executives, are part of a group of 10 investors who raised more than $2 million to launch Centurion. It is the only commercial clinic in the city and just the second in the state that hosts Phase I trials.

For the rest of the article, click here.

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